3 More Ways Untreated Leaks Can Damage Your Property

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3 More Ways Untreated Leaks Can Damage Your PropertyThere are many reasons that ignoring a water leak is a bad idea, not matter how small they may seem they are always capable of causing damage and escalating to a more serious leak. 4 ways that untreated leaks can damage your property are already listed on the website, here are 3 more.

1: Damaged Concrete

Even small leaks have the power to damage and eat their way through concrete leaving holes in their wake. Over time, the dripping water from an untreated leak can find it’s way all the way down to your home’s foundation and make it structurally unsound.

2: Mould Growth

Bathrooms can be very susceptible to mould growth at the best of times. It’s an extremely moist and humid environment, perfect for mould growth. A leaky shower or tap in the bathroom adds fuel to the fire by constantly adding moisture into the room. Ignoring leaks in the bathroom can lead to severe mould growth that usually only be fully eradicated by removing and replacing the bathroom tiles.

3: Leaks Can Lead To Standing Water

Untreated leaks can lead standing water accumulating in pools around your home. Standing water is an ideal home for insects and it encourage fungus growth. Insects seek out standing water to lay their eggs, so once the initial batch arrive they can be difficult to get rid of. Standing water can pool in place that you would never think to check, have your home checked for leaks by professionals if you believe you may have one.

If you notice any water leaks, no matter how small contact Advance Maintenance Leak Detection today. We can find the root cause of any water leak in your home and solve the issue that’s causing the problem. Damaged concrete, mould growth, fungus growth and an infestation of insects aren’t nice to live with. Call us today on 021-486-6133.